Parish Letter


Reflections from ‘A Lifetime of Moments’  by Susan Sayers.

With its early mists and mellow sunlight, this month is valuable as a time for reflection and quietness. Jesus would walk off into the hills to spend hours alone with his Father during his ministry on earth. And he recognised in Martha’s sister, Mary, the value of time spent sitting and listening.

Sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him.

Being in reflective stillness with God does not necessarily mean waiting for a place where there is no noise or activity going on. If we waited for that, we’d wait for ever! God is Lord of the real, fussy, noisy world, and we can find his stillness right in the middle of everyday chaos.

Hear the noises around you, acknowledge them and put them to one side. They provide a practical backdrop to the still presence of our real, living, practical God. You will even find that rather than distracting you from him, they can emphasise the peace of his presence within you.