Parish Letter


Reflections from ‘A Lifetime of Moments’  by Susan Sayers.

Fruit takes time to ripen, and so do fruits of the Spirit. Don’t try to rush your fruit. Jesus said, ‘I am the true vine, my Father is the gardener’; trust the Lord, then, to bring you to fruit at the right time. In the meantime, enjoy the growing.
Not all plants fruit at the same time. Do not be jealous if you see others fruiting when you are going through a time of hidden growth. There are times in our lives when we need to be on the receiving end, and many of us find it hard to accept care from others. Yet accepting is in itself a fruit – the fruit of humility.
Jesus has warned that every fruiting branch will be pruned so that it will become more fruitful. When you find yourself being pruned, then, consider it a special privilege.
If we remain in Christ and Christ is in us, we shall bear much fruit; dead, withered branches, parted from Christ, bear no fruit at all, and are only good for burning. Take care that you remain rooted in the Lord of Love, and don’t try fruiting on your own