Parish Letter


Reflections from ‘A Lifetime of Moments’  by Susan Sayers.

We spend so much of our time looking back over what has already happened, and forward to plan what will happen in the future. Often the present moment flies past without us noticing. Yet the stillness of the present is the closest we can get to understanding eternity, which is a constant ‘now’.

When you become aware of the present moment, it has the effect of bringing space into your life, however busy and rushed your schedule. It relaxes and refreshes. It helps you notice and appreciate things you have got used to ignoring or taking for granted. And you can do it

anywhere at any time. Try it today while you are waiting for something or somebody. Just remind yourself that this is ‘now’.

You are here now because God chose to create you. He loves you the way you are and understands everything that makes you act and react the way you do. In some ways he knows you better than you know yourself, and he delights in you with the affection of a loving parent for a precious child.

You are unique. No-one anywhere has exactly your soup of genes; no look-alike is exactly like you in temperament and character. Such individuality helps us to realise the personal nature of the God we  worship.

When you value yourself and other people as the unique and precious result of a creative, loving God, you will find you are treating yourself and others with a new respect and reverence. If God considers us worth making and looking after, then we are all important enough to be listened to, included, thoughtfully treated and helped, regardless of our age, appearance or earning potential.