Parish Letter


Reflections from ‘A Lifetime of Moments’  by Susan Sayers.

As you become more rooted in prayer, you will actually find your life changing. This should really come as no surprise, since you are increasingly open to the immensely powerful God; yet it often does happen unexpectedly and it is helpful to be prepared – never let Jesus into your heart, unless you are prepared for change!

Like dogs rolling in the dust after they’ve been bathed, most of us are comfortable with our own spiritual scruffiness, and don’t welcome the thought of fundamental changes. Yet as our prayer life deepens, we may find ourselves becoming dissatisfied and uncomfortable with some areas of ourselves. This sense of discomfort is unsettling, and we may at first interpret it in a negative way. In fact it is a positive sign of progress, so welcome it.

As we allow God’s spirit more access to our lives, the light of God will begin showing up the accumulated debris and dust which, in the gloom, had gone unnoticed. That is why the sense of discontent is progress – it shows that God’s spirit within us is beginning to lead us into all truth by gently revealing to us what needs to be changed or discarded in our lives.

Follow the lead of God’s spirit within you, become willing to change what needs changing.

As your prayer life deepens you will find that God is gradually taking your heart of stone and giving you a heart of flesh – he is making you a new creation.